By Invitation Only


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Tell me what you guys would do in this situation. I have a stop, Latino pharmacy, where the people working there always ignore me for a few minutes and then sign. I had a pick up there the other day. One of the girls was on the phone and kicked the box for pick up multiple times until it was at my feet. What would have been your reaction?
Time for some Scooby re-training. Walk in with package(s) shove board in front of first clerk you find. If there is not an immediate response, grab packages and walk out. REFUSED. They can come chase you back down while slowly loading packages back in van.

Second, scenario...kicked it back once towards her and told her when she wants her box picked up she can put it on the counter next time. Then walk out. Disposition the stop as not ready, incomplete or whatever you guys use for S* like that.


Staff member
I was reading about this a few months back. They seem focused on Uber, Lyft and Amazon flex drivers.

I've only seen FedEx mentioned a few times. I don't know how their system works but I don't think they have single independent contractors anymore.
Though these are the 3 rules to determine if they fall under AB5
  1. direction of the hiring entity in connection with the performance of the work, both under the contract for the performance of the work and in fact.
  2. The individual performs work that is outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business.
  3. The individual is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, or business of the same nature as that involved in the work performed.
Maybe @bbsam can shed some light on this.
Fedex has operated in the gray area in this regard and could be in the crosshairs.

However, the question will soon be moot because Fedex is moving aggressively to fundamentally change the model. What that means is that they want to get to the point where they only run hubs, stations, etc. They want contractors running their own preload and outbound operations. They want contractors running their own line haul operations. In short, they want to contract with transportation companies. And when I say aggressively moving, I mean this will be done in 5 to 7 years.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Fedex has operated in the gray area in this regard and could be in the crosshairs.

However, the question will soon be moot because Fedex is moving aggressively to fundamentally change the model. What that means is that they want to get to the point where they only run hubs, stations, etc. They want contractors running their own preload and outbound operations. They want contractors running their own line haul operations. In short, they want to contract with transportation companies. And when I say aggressively moving, I mean this will be done in 5 to 7 years.
So Ground now doesn't even want to employ handlers or operations managers?


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Unfortunately being in the service industry that's about all you can do. Management will never back you in those types of situations
They might never back you but there are ways to make it known you will not be treated that way either. An angry look back at an a hole will get you nowhere. @Operational needs

It's really how well you can articulate to your boss what transpired. The bitch on the phone kicking a wasn't ready when I went in. She didn't get off her phone to tell me where or what it was and shoving a package at me just tells me it was in the way. I pushed it aside to help her get it out of the way.
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Just a turd
They might never back you but there are ways to make it known you will not be treated that way either. An angry look back at an a hole will get you nowhere.

It's really how well you can articulate to your boss what transpired. The bitch on the phone kicking a wasn't ready when I went in. She didn't get off her phone to tell me where or what it was and shoving a package at me just tells me it was in the way. I pushed it aside to help her get it out of the way.

I deal with the public every single day. I know how to get their goat and get back at them, but I still have to make service. There ain't too many people who are a bigger smartass than me. I live for those confrontations, you still gave to make service on the package. That's all UPS cares


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I deal with the public every single day. I know how to get their goat and get back at them, but I still have to make service. There ain't too many people who are a bigger smartass than me. I live for those confrontations, you still gave to make service on the package. That's all UPS cares

She doesn't work for UPS...She asked what we would do and told us she gave an angry look. Big friend*n whoop an angry look. The pharmacy people need re-training on how to deal with their delivery personnel.

Eventually we will make service but does that mean we or she should be treated with disrespect in the performance of our duties if unwarranted? Nope. So, that's not all she could do in that situation like you suggested.

But I agree, that UPS only cares about the money so you get an agree.


Just a turd
She doesn't work for UPS...She asked what we would do and told us she gave an angry look. Big friend*n whoop an angry look. The pharmacy people need re-training on how to deal with their delivery personnel.

Eventually we will make service but does that mean we or she should be treated with disrespect in the performance of our duties if unwarranted? Nope. So, that's not all she could do in that situation like you suggested.

But I agree, that UPS only cares about the money so you get an agree.

Well you're just stupid, how about that