By Invitation Only


nowhere special
Baltimore restaurant's dress code accused of discrimination: 'This is racist as hell'



Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Similar to No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service in my opinion

If you don't like it don't eat there.
I enjoy dressing nicer to go to a restaurant with a dress code. If you want to wear sweat pants or tennis shoes/sneakers go to Ruby Tuesday’s. By the same token though, the restaurant has to realize they’ll miss out on the patronage of the average tourist. I’m sure they’ve already thought of that.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I enjoy dressing nicer to go to a restaurant with a dress code. If you want to wear sweat pants or tennis shoes/sneakers go to Ruby Tuesday’s. By the same token though, the restaurant has to realize they’ll miss out on the patronage of the average tourist. I’m sure they’ve already thought of that.
Best to go to places without "those people".