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Retired 23 years
I’d picture @rod in one of these and not a 3-wheel bicycle.
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Retired 23 years
View attachment 264073

This can’t possibly be legal. What do y’all think?
Dangerous as hell but probably not illegal. Depends on where he's coming from and if there are sidewalks. I give him credit for having a flag and a warning vest on his scoot. Probably some old Vet heading to the VFW. We had a retired lawyer who drove his mobility scooter right down the main drag every night dressed in dark clothes without any flags, lights or warning signs. Everyone thought he was looking to get hit. Luckily he died of other causes before anyone hit him.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
President Trump's approval rating now is at 43% (Gallap), compared to 39% in August.” In the Rasmussen poll, he’s at 50% and trending up.

Every time there is a dem debate he goes up. Lol