By Invitation Only


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
"What's my opinion of Kingman's performance?" Lasorda said. "What the (expletive) do you think my opinion is of it? I think it was (expletive). Put that in. I don't (expletive) care. What's my opinion of his performance? (expletive). He beat us with three (expletive) home runs.

"What the (expletive) do you mean, `What is my opinion of his performance?' How can you ask me a question like that? I'm (expletive) off to lose a (expletive) game, and you ask me my opinion of his performance?"



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I don't quilt......It's Halloween time and people of all ages get're probably a grinch at Christmas too!!! "Bring me my egg nog!!!"

Gee whiz, gosh golly Marge, I bet you were a hit in the 40's. Now you're just an irrelevant and out of touch bluehair. Save the comedic acts for your fellow red hat ladies, I'm sure they love it.

I'm not your M-I-L......thank God!!! I would never pay for a wedding if a daughter of mine was marrying the likes of you. Why didn't you ask about the great grandkids??
I get my Starbucks on the run and prefer to have it at home away from all the millennials out there. I go where I want, do what I want, I'm retired and you're trapped at work!!

I paid for my own wedding, didn't want some busybody know-it-all sycophant like you ruining the great memories of it by being involved in the slightest.

I worked longer than 8 years.....your stuck on someone else's crap.

Did you forget your grammar lesson you were so quick to point out? It's "you're" granny and NOT your. Get a clue.

I know, and I thought you were were decorated for Fall and I didn't pay attention well after chemo is chemo-brain day! I thought I was responding to him and his friend's lazy ass wife!!

See what I mean>? You have no idea who or what you are responding to, yet you have to stick your nose in everything even when it doesn't concern you. Just an old hag busybody.


golden ticket member
Gee whiz, gosh golly Marge, I bet you were a hit in the 40's. Now you're just an irrelevant and out of touch bluehair. Save the comedic acts for your fellow red hat ladies, I'm sure they love it.

I paid for my own wedding, didn't want some busybody know-it-all sycophant like you ruining the great memories of it by being involved in the slightest.

Did you forget your grammar lesson you were so quick to point out? It's "you're" granny and NOT your. Get a clue.

See what I mean>? You have no idea who or what you are responding to, yet you have to stick your nose in everything even when it doesn't concern you. Just an old hag busybody.

The first step is to admit you have a problem!!


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I know I know, I'm the biggest a*hole now aren't I because I said that? I promise you I wasn't trying to insult you or the kids and if I offended in any way, I really am sorry. I think they are both absolutely adorable especially, little Miss Princess.
Lol. No. They both have my eyes. I’m well aware of what I look like.

Gonna have to try a lot harder to offend me ;)

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Good morning. It’s Friday!! Woooo!