By Invitation Only


Retired 23 years
Wait... 3 isn't? Damn I'm in trouble then.
Oh I fully agree that a 3 year old could take a little swat on the behind but your chances of having mommy breathing down your neck for doing it are much greater at that age. By the time they are 7 even mommy is ready to swat the kid.


Well-Known Member
Oh I fully agree that a 3 year old could take a little swat on the behind but your chances of having mommy breathing down your neck for doing it are much greater at that age. By the time they are 7 even mommy is ready to swat the kid.

You greatly underestimate how much of a pain in the ass my son can be. My wife is usually calling into the room to "handle" him.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Oh I fully agree that a 3 year old could take a little swat on the behind but your chances of having mommy breathing down your neck for doing it are much greater at that age. By the time they are 7 even mommy is ready to swat the kid.


Retired 23 years
Never resorted to using a belt but that's not saying I didn't give them a swat or 2 every once in awhile--when it was deserved. In all actuality taking something away from them worked better. Back then it was tv or later on maybe their car. Now days I would imagine just the though of them losing their smart phone would go a long way toward getting your point across.


Staff member
Never resorted to using a belt but that's not saying I didn't give them a swat or 2 every once in awhile--when it was deserved. In all actuality taking something away from them worked better. Back then it was tv or later on maybe their car. Now days I would imagine just the though of them losing their smart phone would go a long way toward getting your point across.

For my younger son, his Nintendo controllers. Worked every time.