By Invitation Only


Well-Known Member

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
My sister and BIL have their contractor over. My BIL comes from the bathroom and asks the contractor if there is something he can do to lower the water level in the toilet because the water is getting a little cold. I burst out laughing and the guy, who’s Venezuelan, is sitting there puzzled wondering what’s so funny, also my air head sister. Lol.


Never bought my own handtruck
My sister and BIL have their contractor over. My BIL comes from the bathroom and asks the contractor if there is something he can do to lower the water level in the toilet because the water is getting a little cold. I burst out laughing and the guy, who’s Venezuelan, is sitting there puzzled wondering what’s so funny, also my air head sister. Lol.
You guys havin lasagna tonight?


My sister and BIL have their contractor over. My BIL comes from the bathroom and asks the contractor if there is something he can do to lower the water level in the toilet because the water is getting a little cold. I burst out laughing and the guy, who’s Venezuelan, is sitting there puzzled wondering what’s so funny, also my air head sister. Lol.

He’s letting you know what’s available