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BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
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You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
What a joke of a state

Illinois recreational marijuana is now legal with long lines at dispensaries on the first day of sales - CNN

“For too long, IL residents, particularly those that are black & brown, have been targeted and criminalized for #cannabis possession," Stratton wrote in a tweetfollowing her visit. "It's not just a new year, it's a new day. Thank you, @GovPritzker, for ending prohibition and building a more equitable Illinois."

Part of the Illinois law is also that employers cannot drug test and punish unless an employee is impaired on the job.

Except they exempted themselves from that important piece of legislation. All state employees can still be randomly drug tested and fired for using.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
What a joke of a state

Illinois recreational marijuana is now legal with long lines at dispensaries on the first day of sales - CNN

“For too long, IL residents, particularly those that are black & brown, have been targeted and criminalized for #cannabis possession," Stratton wrote in a tweetfollowing her visit. "It's not just a new year, it's a new day. Thank you, @GovPritzker, for ending prohibition and building a more equitable Illinois."

Part of the Illinois law is also that employers cannot drug test and punish unless an employee is impaired on the job.

Except they exempted themselves from that important piece of legislation. All state employees can still be randomly drug tested and fired for using.
I always thought employers need more protection with legalization, not less. Should I as an employer have the right to expect my employees to be drug free?

I would bet the state is overcharging for that drug which actually helps the black market. The state will want its money and drug dealers are going to get arrested.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I always thought employers need more protection with legalization, not less. Should I as an employer have the right to expect my employees to be drug free?

I would bet the state is overcharging for that drug which actually helps the black market.
Like booze if it’s legal your employer shouldn’t be able to fire you for doing it on your own time