By Invitation Only


nowhere special


cap'n crunch
My wife works about 3 miles from our house. About 10:30am, I went up to her work and picked up her car, filled it with gas, and had her car washed and detailed. She knew nothing about it. I could have put it back in the same parking spot she had it in, because I had parked my truck in her old spot. That would be no fun, so I parked it in another spot. She works at a large company that has probably over 1,000 employees. I was curious to see how she would react. I did park it in a spot that was backed up to a sidewalk that she has to walk down. She gets off at 4. She called me about 4:05 and tells me that her car was gone. At first I act concerned, but I can hear how upset she was. I told her where it was and that she had walked within 3' of it. She gets home and is still pist. can't take a joke, I guess.


Retired 23 years
The show is funny as all heck. The really big one rides like a dog in the back of a minivan. She is supposed to lose weight for surgery but can't lose a pound. The other one has a skinny husband!
I guess if I had only 2 choices I would have watched the impeachment hearings.