By Invitation Only


nowhere special


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Horrible. Tornadoes scare me to death. Never experienced one, and don’t want to.
My uncle and I have been saying we’re going to chase them in Oklahoma for years.

I drove through a small one at like 17 years old. Was pretty scary for the 30 seconds I was in it. A minute later I was like that was awesome. Lol


My uncle and I have been saying we’re going to chase them in Oklahoma for years.

I drove through a small one at like 17 years old. Was pretty scary for the 30 seconds I was in it. A minute later I was like that was awesome. Lol

I’am in tornado alley It’s not uncommon in the summer for the tornado sirens to go off a couple of times a week


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Places with a lot of mobile homes attract tornadoes.
The area I’m delivering to this week has some terrible trailers. Real sandy soil. People just dig holes in their yards and burn the trash then cover it when full and dig a new hole.

Someone this morning at the center said I heard a trailer blew over in X town. Guy that used to deliver this route “you sure someone didn’t just lean up against it?”