The good ones work the songs into the movie. Frozen 2 just seemed to force everything into song form
She had 103 temp yesterday and wanted daddy to snuggle on the couch with her. So that’s what I didSMH
This is sad . A once proud man reduced to reviewing frozen 2
After scouring Netflix for something to watch, I came across Flinch. It's a contestent game show from across the pond. 12v car batteries wired to chicken wire and people with cattle prods that poke when you flinch, among another punishments. Humor to take your mind off cabin fever. There are some really funny parts in this show. Check it out.
It is really strange. It's set on some kind of large farm. 3 hosts and 8 contestants. 3 rounds. Each round, 1 host chooses 1 contestant at random. The contestants have to go through various tests to see if they flinch. Each flinch goes against the host that chose them. End of 3 rounds, the host with the most flinches gets punished in some way. The accents by the contestants is a bonus.Sounds like one of those weird Japanese game shows.
We told him she would soften him up. Lol.SMH
This is sad . A once proud man reduced to reviewing frozen 2
Haven't seen the second one yet. So it's no good?
I know someone who named his son Three. I don’t remember if that is his first name or middle name. Lol.That’s what she gets for naming her kid 4
Entrapment!!LP trying to catch someone slippin! Random toilet paper sitting on a box with the nearest bathroom 100yards away.
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I tried getting this chick to dress like Elsa once but I guess that was too much to ask.Ones a porn....
Anna is hotter anyway.I tried getting this chick to dress like Elsa once but I guess that was too much to ask.
Get theAnna is hotter anyway.
Didn’t finish it but the first half or so most of the songs just seemed forced.Haven't seen the second one yet. So it's no good?
I’ll rip your ears off.Get theout of my face.
Definitely bad influence
Aka: I was role playing with my doll but she rejected me.I tried getting this chick to dress like Elsa once but I guess that was too much to ask.
No, this was years ago. She's like "hAhAhA! aRe YoU sErIoUs??" I told her to get theAka: I was role playing with my doll but she rejected me.
I'll rip your lips off and sew them to my chair so you can kiss my ass every single time I sit down.I’ll rip your ears off.
How many times did you practice saying that line to your sups?I'll rip your lips off and sew them to my chair so you can kiss my ass every single time I sit down.