By Invitation Only


nowhere special


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Extra $600 a week bonus in NY, plus regular unemployment, plus Fed gravy payments. Guess who won't be working until the payments stop?


Well-Known Member
Extra $600 a week bonus in NY, plus regular unemployment, plus Fed gravy payments. Guess who won't be working until the payments stop?

$504 for base unemployment plus the $600 for the enhanced-----$1,104 per week.
Anyone who is currently drawing will automatically receive the bonus. Anyone who files a new claim and is approved for benefits will automatically receive the bonus. Anyone who does not meet the requirements for base unemployment can still apply for the enhanced.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
$504 for base unemployment plus the $600 for the enhanced-----$1,104 per week.
Anyone who is currently drawing will automatically receive the bonus. Anyone who files a new claim and is approved for benefits will automatically receive the bonus. Anyone who does not meet the requirements for base unemployment can still apply for the enhanced.
Why work?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Isn't being unemployed like being on vacation?
No. Vacation time is leisurely and relaxing and you have a job to come back to as soon as it's done. You can sleep tight with nothing to worry about. Unemployment is stressful and uncertain, and in my experience not very leisurely when your waking hours are spent finding a new job, networking, updating resumes, typing and sending letters or going to interviews like it's a fulltime job.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
No. Vacation time is leisurely and relaxing and you have a job to come back to as soon as it's done. You can sleep tight with nothing to worry about. Unemployment is stressful and uncertain, and in my experience not very leisurely when your waking hours are spent finding a new job, networking, updating resumes, typing and sending letters or going to interviews like it's a fulltime job.
Not for all, especially when more is coming in than if you were working.