By Invitation Only

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Good morning.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Why not let it just be a cartoon for kids with no social agendas?
Years ago when they were pressuring him about this nonsense, Stephen Hillenburg said that Spongebob was asexual and that this stuff had nothing to do with his show. Of course now they wait until he's dead to spit on his grave and use his creation to virtue signal.


nowhere special
Years ago when they were pressuring him about this nonsense, Stephen Hillenburg said that Spongebob was asexual and that this stuff had nothing to do with his show. Of course now they wait until he's dead to spit on his grave and use his creation to virtue signal.
Sex shouldn't even be an issue in a show for prepubescent kids.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Years ago when they were pressuring him about this nonsense, Stephen Hillenburg said that Spongebob was asexual and that this stuff had nothing to do with his show. Of course now they wait until he's dead to spit on his grave and use his creation to virtue signal.
IMO, all children’s cartoons should be noNpolitical