By Invitation Only

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
This reminded me about when my wife asked me if my company has a on site gym or helps pay for memberships.

Every company she has worked for always had a nice on site gym. She was shocked that ours didn't.
At my last station someone brought in some weight lifting equipment. Guys used it for awhile until someone got hurt using it. Bye-bye weights. Lol.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

What do you guys think of this? The vast majority of the commenters asked, WTH would these parents take a 7-year-Old to a protest? Period.


Well-Known Member

What do you guys think of this? The vast majority of the commenters asked, WTH would these parents take a 7-year-Old to a protest? Period.

No way i would take my kid into a potentially dangerous situation. Problem is everyone wants a picture of their kid holding some sign so they can end up on the news or some social media site.

Peaceful protest or not we all know it can turn quickly because of one person's bad decision.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.

Hey I think we know him


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns

What do you guys think of this? The vast majority of the commenters asked, WTH would these parents take a 7-year-Old to a protest? Period.
The parents gambled and lost!