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@Operational needs

This made me think of you.










Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I truly believe that all American kids should have to spend a month volunteering in a Third World country between their junior and senior years of high school, so they can gain perspective of how good they really have it in this country. Even the poor kids will see.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I truly believe that all American kids should have to spend a month volunteering in a Third World country between their junior and senior years of high school, so they can gain perspective of how good they really have it in this country. Even the poor kids will see.
I never did that but seeing National Geographic Magazine convinced me at at early age how great Merica' is.

Even poor kids here at overweight, have expensive clothes, and have nice cell phones.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Who you trying to kid
You just looked at it for naked women
That's all we had, lol. Not too appealing but better than nothing.

Those Feed the Children commercials also taught us how great Merica' is. I still remember the flies all over that starving kid.


nowhere special
That's all we had, lol. Not too appealing but better than nothing.

Those Feed the Children commercials also taught us how great Merica' is. I still remember the flies all over that starving kid.
Sally Struthers was more than a little too well fed to be asking for starving kids in Africa


Retired 23 years
That's all we had, lol. Not too appealing but better than nothing.

Those Feed the Children commercials also taught us how great Merica' is. I still remember the flies all over that starving kid.
Now they have switched from fly covered kids to sad looking dogs. Its too bad these "charities" are rip offs.