By Invitation Only


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
First official school pictures.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Wow. Her hair is really growing now. If they’re anything like the schools my kids went to, they’ll be milking you for money for pictures from now til high school. Oh yeah, and then there are the PTA fundraisers. It feels like it never ends. Lol.
Oh yeah fundraisers are insane now. Used to it was like 1 big one per year. Now it’s like it’s constant


Retired 23 years
Wow. Her hair is really growing now. If they’re anything like the schools my kids went to, they’ll be milking you for money for pictures from now til high school. Oh yeah, and then there are the PTA fundraisers. It feels like it never ends. Lol.
Be prepared to buy tons of crap that the parents sell for their kids when the kids are the ones who should be doing it. I always got even with them by insisting they buy my raffle tickets I sold for certain organizations. We had one friend whos kid was in hockey and I swear he was selling crap every month. I finally had a talk with him and told him no more. Enough was enough. You signed the brat up for hockey-you pay for it. So much for that "friend". :-) I've never turned down a kid selling stuff for his or her sports thing or chior or anything else. Just don't have mom and dad do your dirty work.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Be prepared to buy tons of crap that the parents sell for their kids when the kids are the ones who should be doing it. I always got even with them by insisting they buy my raffle tickets I sold for certain organizations. We had one friend whos kid was in hockey and I swear he was selling crap every month. I finally had a talk with him and told him no more. Enough was enough. You signed the brat up for hockey-you pay for it. So much for that "friend". :-) I've never turned down a kid selling stuff for his or her sports thing or chior or anything else. Just don't have mom and dad do your dirty work.
Fork it over Pops.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Must be a cancer patient to need wigs?
It’s expensive for a Black woman to get her hair done at a salon and takes hours, so sometimes in a pinch, one might throw on a wig because they don’t have time or money to get their hair done. Or, they could have ruined their hair one way or another and need a wig.