By Invitation Only


Well-Known Member
Doesn’t anyone else have these next day saber international signature required wigs? I deliver several per week. All for the beautiful black women. Some of them have boobs bigger than a recliner.
They must look sharp wearing one of those wigs.



You snatch a wig off a black woman (normally a cut up pantyhose like a beanie under the wig) you will get your ass beat I don’t care who ya are
You ever see 2 black women fighting first thing they do is grab the wig


Retired 23 years
You snatch a wig off a black woman (normally a cut up pantyhose like a beanie under the wig) you will get your ass beat I don’t care who ya are
You ever see 2 black women fighting first thing they do is grab the wig

The first thing they do is call each other the N word for 10 minutes

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Natural hair is way more expensive
The availability of that natural hair is a racket. Chris Rock did a documentary on the origin of most of it. Apparently priests of one of the religions in India trick poor women into sacrificing their hair to their god. Then the priests take the hair and sell it. Much of it coming here.


Retired 23 years
The availability of that natural hair is a racket. Chris Rock did a documentary on the origin of most of it. Apparently priests of one of the religions in India trick poor women into sacrificing their hair to their god. Then the priests take the hair and sell it. Much of it coming here.
Not as bad as them raping alter boys here.