By Invitation Only


Retired 23 years
Don't know really. Just a weird quirk I guess. Don't eat the candy at a office. I don't take anything from the goodie baskets. Only take water when it's offered and in there hand at the time. For some reason I hate standing there waiting while they get a water. :)
runner - gunner syndrome


nowhere special
2 years ago they were hiring around here starting at 15 bucks an hour. I don't know what it is now. Basically there isn't anyone around here with enough ambition to get a job. The Gooberment pays too well.
They get everything free on the Res anyways


Retired 23 years
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BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
It’s not a sheep it’s a goat
The males are called Billy’s

Talk to @Turdferguson if you want to know how to use one sexually
How would he know?



BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
2 years ago they were hiring around here starting at 15 bucks an hour. I don't know what it is now. Basically there isn't anyone around here with enough ambition to get a job. The Gooberment pays too well.
Truoble is they adjusted to Obamacare when it was forced on the people, cutting their workforce to more of a part-time staff. The end result is staff turnover.