By Invitation Only


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.


Thank goodness for the businesses that ship through us and don’t mind wasting money. Job security. I’ve been delivering Covid tests to a guy’s house for months. His dad told me last week that his son works for Apple and they’ve been sending him those tests every week because he travels. Only thing is, he hasn’t traveled for months because of Covid. Lol.
They send those covid-19 tests to all of their employees that work from home that request them. Regardless if they travel or not. Would be nice if FedEx did something similar but we'll get trinkets and t-shirts instead.🙃


Never bought my own handtruck
I hope y’all didn’t order anything from there. If so, better make time to buy it in the store.

Amazon certainly have warehouses closer to you. There are 2 within an hour of me (plus a delivery center). Stuff does come from a big place in Kentucky sometimes but hardly ever from NJ
I was more worrying about an influx in delivery volume in my building from this.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Did anyone watch the Christmas star tonight? It was pretty cool. I didn’t see it personally, only pictures. Look what Google did above.