By Invitation Only


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Ok. Thanks. I was just making sure. It’s the same way at Fedex also. I was trying to explain it to my sister but her response was, I signed it and I’m over 21. Uh no. You have to be physically at the address the package is addressed to and be over 21. Lol.
I had trouble with this one time. Someone sent a 19 year old a birth certificate for a lawsuit she was involved in. Adult signature required 21 or over....her birth certificate saying she’s 19 SMH


nowhere special

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I had trouble with this one time. Someone sent a 19 year old a birth certificate for a lawsuit she was involved in. Adult signature required 21 or over....her birth certificate saying she’s 19 SMH
My airhead sister is now sitting on our sister’s front porch next door waiting for the UPS guy “so he can’t say sorry I missed you”. Lol.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Golden doodle but yeah pretty much the same thing
My wife is allergic to most dogs but not this one he doesent shed either
Yep that’s another thing allergies.

My uncle is a vet. It’s the only breed he actually recommends lol. Just points out all of the problems with other breeds