By Invitation Only


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Don't worry no one will ever take your collection of chinese made replica knives.
I know the fact that you buy all your tools from Walmart's bottom shelf is a hard pill to swallow and you tend to cope with your jealousy by projecting, but that's okay. Not everyone profits off of their tools and necessarily needs the best. Some Joe Blow hacks can get by working out of a rusty bucket of bull:censored2: and will never be able to tell the difference. It's perfectly fine and there's no need to feel inadequate.


Well-Known Member
I know the fact that you buy all your tools from Walmart's bottom shelf is a hard pill to swallow and you tend to cope with your jealousy by projecting, but that's okay. Not everyone profits off of their tools and necessarily needs the best. Some Joe Blow hacks can get by working out of a rusty bucket of bull* and will never be able to tell the difference. It's perfectly fine and there's no need to feel inadequate.
I don't buy tools. I hire them.

By the way you available to come by and fix my toilet? :P


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
If its something I haven't worked on for a while I sometimes will refresh my memory that way too. Wouldn't need to for a toilet but for some other things, yeah.
One thing about toilets I've learned is use the brand name toilet to tank bolts/washers. Saves headaches.