By Invitation Only

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Shouldn't you be busy making us some sammiches?

How about sausages instead?


The problem is it would be low revenue volume. Unless there is big enough surcharge to make economic sense. I'm sure it won't make much until it gets enough stop density.

Can they use regular air drivers and pay them the lower rate to deliver Saturday ground?
No they will have to be full time package car drivers. They are estimating to hire over 4,500 new full time union Teamsters employees across the country. This is also a phase to speed up the lanes of service across the entire country to compete with faster lanes by our competitor federal express. They have a lower cost per lane based on wages and benefits which enables them to hire more drivers to get drivers to move their volume quicker. They also use an unbelievable amount of sleeper teams that are killing us in these lanes.
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