By Invitation Only


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns


Resident Suit
How'd you manage that?
My mom was born there, so I could petition for citizenship. Been working on it for a few years, finally got it. Been really working on it the last year when I started looking at jobs within the company. Was actually considering applying for a position in Europe, but with us both being Americans it made it difficult for both of us to get Visas. But now she won't need one if we decide it is right for us.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
My mom was born there, so I could petition for citizenship. Been working on it for a few years, finally got it. Been really working on it the last year when I started looking at jobs within the company. Was actually considering applying for a position in Europe, but with us both being Americans it made it difficult for both of us to get Visas. But now she won't need one if we decide it is right for us.
So, I guess that means you'll be able to easily come and go there, work, own a house, etc?