By Invitation Only


Well-Known Member
My mom was born there, so I could petition for citizenship. Been working on it for a few years, finally got it. Been really working on it the last year when I started looking at jobs within the company. Was actually considering applying for a position in Europe, but with us both being Americans it made it difficult for both of us to get Visas. But now she won't need one if we decide it is right for us.
I vote you go, the sooner, the better.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns


Resident Suit
So, I guess that means you'll be able to easily come and go there, work, own a house, etc?
It's pretty easy to travel to and from the EU with a US passport, but if you work in the EU economic zone for more than I believe 30 days you need a visa. Now I don't have to worry about that, we can travel or work in any European country without spending €1000 on visas. Not saying it will ever happen, but I like having options.

Plus it means immigration if we go to Europe is easier, they barely look at your passport if it's an EU one.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Hmm. Interesting... He said it's been ordered that the pipeline will be built from American steel. I wonder if we even have factories for that??
Yeah there's still some running.

You know some people are just morons. He said before it would be American steel. I heard a few people say what an idiot he's gonna rip up everything they've done just to put American steel in the ground.