By Invitation Only


Retired 23 years
You've still got a month or more if winter left up there

Spring is unpredictable around here. About the time everything is greening up and the motorcycles are roaming the streets again we get a week or two of crappy weather again that usually includes a snow storm. We never put the winter clothes too far away.


Retired 23 years
Our opening weekend of fishing is always around May 15th. Most years the weather is nice but I've experienced more than one time where we had to break ice to get the boats to open water. I remember one year it was in the 80's and every resort, gas station and store was out of ice. The next year we though we would be prepared so a friend who actually owned an ice company brought along one of those big ice containers that you see outside gas stations. It was filled with ice. I've got pictures of it sitting in the back of his pickup at the resort covered in snow.


nowhere special
Our opening weekend of fishing is always around May 15th. Most years the weather is nice but I've experienced more than one time where we had to break ice to get the boats to open water. I remember one year it was in the 80's and every resort, gas station and store was out of ice. The next year we though we would be prepared so a friend who actually owned an ice company brought along one of those big ice containers that you see outside gas stations. It was filled with ice. I've got pictures of it sitting in the back of his pickup at the resort covered in snow.

May 15 is the official last freeze date for plants here. It seldom freezes after the end of April but it can happen.


Resident Suit
Our opening weekend of fishing is always around May 15th. Most years the weather is nice but I've experienced more than one time where we had to break ice to get the boats to open water. I remember one year it was in the 80's and every resort, gas station and store was out of ice. The next year we though we would be prepared so a friend who actually owned an ice company brought along one of those big ice containers that you see outside gas stations. It was filled with ice. I've got pictures of it sitting in the back of his pickup at the resort covered in snow.
The fishing opener out there was like nothing I've ever seen before. I remember going to the cities a few years ago on that Friday, bumper to bumper heading north from about St Cloud to the 94/694 interchange with hundreds of guys pulling boat trailers.


nowhere special


Retired 23 years
The fishing opener out there was like nothing I've ever seen before. I remember going to the cities a few years ago on that Friday, bumper to bumper heading north from about St Cloud to the 94/694 interchange with hundreds of guys pulling boat trailers.

Fishing opener and opening weekend of deer hunting used to be just nuts. According to the DNR the numbers are down from what they used to be because the young adults of today would rather shoot a deer or catch a fish on a video game than go outside.