By Invitation Only


nowhere special


Resident Suit
I couldn't read the article, blocked. How do they know which are men and which women?
The amount of data collected on people and shared between companies is incredible. They don't need to use the data from their own website. They can use google info to say this IP is associated with this phone, person searches for Victoria's Secret, Sephora, and coach, therefor we can conclude the person is a woman. Google's analytics are amazing. But It's creepy.


nowhere special
The amount of data collected on people and shared between companies is incredible. They don't need to use the data from their own website. They can use google info to say this IP is associated with this phone, person searches for Victoria's Secret, Sephora, and coach, therefor we can conclude the person is a woman. Google's analytics are amazing. But It's creepy.

Don't you block Google analytics? Not that they are up to anything evil but I don't like the invasion of privacy.
They can still track a lot of what you do but I try to keep it to a minimum.



Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
The amount of data collected on people and shared between companies is incredible. They don't need to use the data from their own website. They can use google info to say this IP is associated with this phone, person searches for Victoria's Secret, Sephora, and coach, therefor we can conclude the person is a woman. Google's analytics are amazing. But It's creepy.
..........They can do that?