By Invitation Only


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Yeah but confession is so awkward.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
When I went to college I remember my first lent being excited because I FINALLY didn't have to follow it. It was truly the first time I didn't have someone overlooking me for it.

Ate a cheeseburger for lunch. Walking out of the Wendy's my mom texted me "What'd you have for lunch? Don't forget it's Lent." I mean you want to talk about eerie.
I would of said a burger.


Resident Suit
Better than going to Hell for the least transgression.

Jeez, I'd do all kinds of acts of contrition just to avoid that!
I know, but it's like this. You're talking to a guy who took a vow of chastity. And you're like "Well I whacked it last Tuesday." It's just weird.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
There aren't many things that scare me. I've lost my electrical system in the airplane before while in busy airspace. Didn't sweat it.

But my 5 foot 3 inch mother scares the hell out of me when she's angry. I mean she's terrifying.
Oh mine too but she knows I don't believe.

At least I've told her. I'm not sure how much she believes it.