Calling out due to inclement weather


Staff member
Remember when casette came out? I bought one of those casette players that plugged into the 8 track player. Coooooool!


let me be the brainwashed zealot.

1) We pride ouselves on being better then the rest. We love it when we are moving the packages while the post office and fdx are bogged down with weather problems. Talk all the anti company trash you want but the fact is this pride is what seperates those of us who have been around and fought the battles from the fair weather fans.

2) the day we stop taking pride in being the best is the day this organization goes right down in the flusher.

3) Don't get mad at the sup. He's at work. He made sure he got there and he has no time to BS with a bunch of soft shirkers. Take your beating like an adult and ask yourself why you're not tough enough to be a real upser.

This storm gave most of the east coast 2 inches of mixed sleet. not a big deal in weather terms. Take you time go to work and when you get there join the players making this business happen.

outta hours

Well-Known Member
let me be the brainwashed zealot.

1) We pride ouselves on being better then the rest. We love it when we are moving the packages while the post office and fdx are bogged down with weather problems. Talk all the anti company trash you want but the fact is this pride is what seperates those of us who have been around and fought the battles from the fair weather fans.

Yea slide into someone driving today or worse, and see how far you get in that battle. You may even lose your job after risking your own life to come in. I have seen it happen.

2) the day we stop taking pride in being the best is the day this organization goes right down in the flusher.

Pride? what pride. Have you looked around lately? Missed pkgs. PAS, misloads, service failures,damages, poor planning is what I see not pride. Used to be prideful here until we were all number crunched into submission.

3) Don't get mad at the sup. He's at work. He made sure he got there and he has no time to BS with a bunch of soft shirkers. Take your beating like an adult and ask yourself why you're not tough enough to be a real upser.

He's an on road sup. Not a lifesaving Dr. or something. If he is dumb enough to risk his life on some pkgs. that will be brought back as closed or NI. So be it. Wake up and realize it's UPS we work at not ER. I think a real Upser knows the difference.As for the sup. I hope they are happy with that 1.6. Odds are fewer of them will "find a way to make it in".

This storm gave most of the east coast 2 inches of mixed sleet. not a big deal in weather terms. Take you time go to work and when you get there join the players making this business happen.

Not a big deal when you are in a heated office. Instead of in a p500 with little heat or defrost and no chains on a single axle. Remember "nothing is impossible to those who do not actually have to do it":wink:


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I have never ever called off for bad weather. I am just glad this time I was officially off.
I do enjoy the comraderie of getting it done when no one else can. But my brothers are doin it this week, Im just watching from the sidelines. If I were there I would be up to the challenge. I have been through a few and they are never as bad as some make it seem. Ive seen people call off who live 10 mi away, I have always been 40 to 70 mi away. And I can always get there, except once in 23 yrs, darn camaro anyway. And it was the tires, the drivers fault, not the Chevy.


Well-Known Member
gosh.....this is a tough decision;

a) go to work, have accident, get fired while the company drags their feet investigating or;
b) call in, get warning letter, file a protest.



Well-Known Member
let me be the brainwashed zealot.

1) We pride ouselves on being better then the rest. We love it when we are moving the packages while the post office and fdx are bogged down with weather problems. Talk all the anti company trash you want but the fact is this pride is what seperates those of us who have been around and fought the battles from the fair weather fans.

2) the day we stop taking pride in being the best is the day this organization goes right down in the flusher.

3) Don't get mad at the sup. He's at work. He made sure he got there and he has no time to BS with a bunch of soft shirkers. Take your beating like an adult and ask yourself why you're not tough enough to be a real upser.

This storm gave most of the east coast 2 inches of mixed sleet. not a big deal in weather terms. Take you time go to work and when you get there join the players making this business happen.

2 inches of mixed sleet??? where the heck you live dude?? I had 8 to 10 inches of snow with ice on top, you want me to drive in that to go to UPS and make just over 20 dollars an hour for 8 maybe 9 hours 160 to 190 dollars. I will tell you what a SUPERVISOR told me once, "the job will get done with or without me...


Well-Known Member
This storm gave most of the east coast 2 inches of mixed sleet. not a big deal in weather terms. Take you time go to work and when you get there join the players making this business happen.[/QUOTE]

Even though there was not alot of snow, I think this was one of the most dangerous days we have worked. Everything at 3:00 turned to a sheet of ice including the back platform of the truck which collects water throughout the day. They pulled everyone off the road at 6:40 so you know it had to be a hazzard. Thank God its over!


Active Member
I always make it a point to go to work every single day. I rarely get sick and try to plan my family time and functions around vacations and options days. I use 8 hr. request when I have to. If I have enough notice of a family function or event with the wife I always make sure to ask to be schedule off or get an 8 hr. request as soon as I become aware of the date. However on a day like today,up here in North Ohio (I deliver right along the lake front) I call off. Simply not worth it. However during the summer months and the dog days of August when it is 98 degrees out with 98 percent humidity day after day after day and guys are calling off left and right,saying it is too hot to work. Dangerous to one's health. Heat stroke and sun stroke. I am there Every single day doing it. But on a day like today? Nope. I earned my day of rest 5,6 and 7 months ago. I am not a "absentee problem" or a "tardy problem" and only call off of work once or twice PER YEAR if that! You can call it delayed gratification. I don't feel the least bit guilty about it.


Well-Known Member
part-timers said today they actually had their sups out this morning picking people up, we didn't leave center untill 11:00 AM. What a horrible day, 3 counties with level 3 emergencies and 3 with level 2. 10 inches of snow with inches of ice over that. Then they called us in after we made sure to get pickups. Tomorrow will be a nightmare we had 12 drivers off each of last 2 days!


Well-Known Member
brainwashing antidote:

I'd make it to work, then sheet most of it up as Emergency Condition. We get charged with an accident if the truck gets stuck. Sure I'll come in, but if we're going to operate like that, the sups can just sit at the hub recording everything as ECD and we'll keep the trucks and drivers safe.

I think more people would be willing to show that spirit of SOOPER DOOPER WE BUILT THIS COMPANY ON THE BLOOD OF THE SUPES if there wasn't discipline around each corner. Job on the line if you don't come in... job on the line if you try to leave... job on the line if you come in and have an accident. What good is it to me if the company survives but I get fired for trying to help the company?

I own a Jeep just so I can make it in on those days, but until they put 4wd on the trucks the vast majority of the pkgs will just be ECD so I can avoid being charged with an accident. Want me to drive the packages around the city then bring them back? It's your dime. I've been one of the few who were able to show up, and not once did I condemn anyone who couldn't make it in. (Me? I love this stuff... as long as I'm in my Jeep.)

Remember: When you're "tough enough to be a real UPSer", that also means you don't cry when you're the only one sitting in the hub. You are the pride! Go now young supe, brown up and lead by example! Leave that warm office behind, give that comfy chair a much needed break and make this company soar like an eagle! That coffee machine in the breakroom will miss you, but by golly, you can lead us into parcel battle where the enemy knows the bitter taste of defeat as we march the frozen streets alone!

Oh wait... the rest of the city is shut down so anything you can make it to will probably be closed, and almost everything else will be sheeted ECD... this is really more about the public seeing the trucks out isn't it? I do that all year. Deliver it yourself and stop whining about those who are smart enough to know safety is more important than that box of Omaha Steaks.

If you can make it to work safely, you should. After that, it's pure judgement as to what is and isn't safe for your truck and you. And you're the only one who can make that call.

Safety first! Unless it disrupts service.


Not a big deal when you are in a heated office. Instead of in a p500 with little heat or defrost and no chains on a single axle. Remember "nothing is impossible to those who do not actually have to do it":wink:

Oh yea my friend? Ever slip and slide a set of doubles through a foot of snow?
Ever pull a set down the side of a mountain and wonder what was in the fog below?
Ever run the gaunlet on a bridge during heavy winds?

Please don't kiss my but because I am management.
Please don't kiss my but because I worked 19 hours straight yesterday as this Noreaster ripped through the east coast.

At the same time please don't shortchange my contribution to this company simply because I chose to do a different job after having done yours.


Well-Known Member
let me be the brainwashed zealot.

1) We pride ouselves on being better then the rest. We love it when we are moving the packages while the post office and fdx are bogged down with weather problems. Talk all the anti company trash you want but the fact is this pride is what seperates those of us who have been around and fought the battles from the fair weather fans.

2) the day we stop taking pride in being the best is the day this organization goes right down in the flusher.

3) Don't get mad at the sup. He's at work. He made sure he got there and he has no time to BS with a bunch of soft shirkers. Take your beating like an adult and ask yourself why you're not tough enough to be a real upser.

This storm gave most of the east coast 2 inches of mixed sleet. not a big deal in weather terms. Take you time go to work and when you get there join the players making this business happen.

Tie, your post struck a nerve with me. I USED to be very proud! When I was interviewed (off the street for a FT position) almost 30 yrs ago, out of more then 100 in the interview room, only 2 of us made it!

I was told, upon hiring, that our service and drivers were our advertisement. Well, in short, our service, at least locally, is going down the tubes. I started in PC (now in feeders) and loved it when we had to get a signature for everthing (except releases, of course). When that was changed to dump everything on the porch and run (yeh, I know it's sposed to be hidden, but how much is?) a part of my pride was left on the porch too. Now, we're just like the PO or ever other outfit.

PC's are now washed on an optional basis? You outta see the lineup here in the morning! I'd be ashamed to hop in one!

A couple yrs ago we got stopped by a huge storm in Southern IL, IN and KY. We eventually made it to Louky but a couple mos later, the quarterly report came out and said that we didn't make the projection BECAUSE OF BAD WEATHER! FDX said, "We didn't have a problem". How embarrasing!

I remember the day when stuff was missed off a trailer, the PT supes had to drive the stuff in their OWN car to the intended hub! Wow! What incentive to get the job done, huh? Now, at least here, if it missed the trailer, "We'll get it tomorrow".

How about when some of our drivers (not me) were instructed to drop off a NDA package at a fuel stop for immediate P/U only to return a few days later and have the fuel desk person ask what they're supposed to do with that red and white envelope still under the counter?

How about when FDX trailers are moving at a rate I've never seen before? Or when FDX institutes a service that guarantees faster service from point A to point B and UPS counters with the same thing? How about here, when asked if we're gonna be the service that starts overnight service between as many as 6 cites, our manager quickly says, "Because FDX hasn't done it yet!".

Tie, I'm not anti-company, it's just not the same as when I started and I DID have pride.
let me be the brainwashed zealot.

1) We pride ouselves on being better then the rest. We love it when we are moving the packages while the post office and fdx are bogged down with weather problems. Talk all the anti company trash you want but the fact is this pride is what seperates those of us who have been around and fought the battles from the fair weather fans.

2) the day we stop taking pride in being the best is the day this organization goes right down in the flusher.

3) Don't get mad at the sup. He's at work. He made sure he got there and he has no time to BS with a bunch of soft shirkers. Take your beating like an adult and ask yourself why you're not tough enough to be a real upser.

This storm gave most of the east coast 2 inches of mixed sleet. not a big deal in weather terms. Take you time go to work and when you get there join the players making this business happen.
And when you crash on your way to work UPS will be right there to ... um ...replace your car?...uh cover your pay until you heal?

You did the right thing if you legitimatlely couldn`t get in. Unless your an attendance problem they can`t do squat. Tell them you`ll be happy to listen to anything they have to say as long as there`s a steward there.


And when you crash on your way to work UPS will be right there to ... um ...replace your car?...uh cover your pay until you heal?

In some places calling out everytime you have two inches of snow will have you develop an attendance problem. How many buildings do we have in upstate new york? 3 or 4 ? Many places up there have had over 100 inches of snow this year. But yet the hearty upsers we have in Buffalo just keep on trucking.
I'm sure Chicago has had their fair share of the nasty stuff.

I'm sorry if you call out for 2 inches of sleet mixed snow then you should get your but kicked.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
tie i dragged doubles up and down a mnt side last nite,had to spray wd/40 on my hands to get em off the steering wheel when i got back,i would have loved to bang in


Well-Known Member
Oh yea my friend? Ever slip and slide a set of doubles through a foot of snow?
Ever pull a set down the side of a mountain and wonder what was in the fog below?
Ever run the gaunlet on a bridge during heavy winds?

Please don't kiss my but because I am management.
Please don't kiss my but because I worked 19 hours straight yesterday as this Noreaster ripped through the east coast.

At the same time please don't shortchange my contribution to this company simply because I chose to do a different job after having done yours.

Tie, I know you were talking to Outta when you made this post but let me tell you some of MY experiences to lend credibility to some of MY posts.

Yes, I HAVE bent a set of doubles down a mountain slope. Thank God for the "Jake Brake".

I've blown a steer tire out at almost 70 MPH w/3 lanes of traffic beside me trying desperately to get outta the way of flying shrapnel. Try getting THAT stopped safely without kinking it up or waking up yer partner.

I was driving, what, last yr or the yr before, when that Southwest (I think) plane went off the runway at Midway cuz of heavy snow in Chi.

Have had to take unfamilier 2-lane-road-deteors thru Wis due to the Interstate being closed, in the middle of the night.

We have had to chain up just to get OFF the interstate.

Had to haul the SAME set of MT doubles over 2100 miles just a few months ago in one week because NO ONE could dispatch a load going ANYWHERE!

Had to dodge trucks and cars scattered alongside the interstate in MO cuz a tornado had just ripped thru a few min ago, which, understandably, just about turned US into a statistic.

We've smacked deer, dogs, rabbits, cats, had vehicles come screaming across the median towards us, had suspicious vehicles following us (that I've had to call on), almost had the front bumper taken off (due to, you know, not enuff space and vis), AND had to put up with SOME in high places try to get us to pull defective equipment. Such as:
-broken springs
-burned out lights
-expired inspection stickers
-no registration
-no hub oil
I could go on...

Oh, yes, worked 19 hours last night? Partner got deathly sick one day this yr. Of course called local supes to see who could meet us if I could drive as far as I could. After long debate (that's another long post if you want it), I drove up to my 11, already had some "unduty time", waited for relief to drive to home domicile, AND THEY DIDN'T TAKE HIM OFF THE TRUCK!!!!!!!! Had to stay up in jump seat, with him in the back, sicker than grunt, new partner driving me home (on the log, of course), and me going over the mandated 14!

I respect your position and what you've been thru. I guess what I'm trying to say is this: Some of US have been thru it too.