Does UPS no longer put up drivers in hotels during bad weather? By bad weather, I mean interstates closed or worsening conditions on the roads?
Oh yea my friend? Ever slip and slide a set of doubles through a foot of snow?
Ever pull a set down the side of a mountain and wonder what was in the fog below?
Ever run the gaunlet on a bridge during heavy winds?
Please don't kiss my but because I am management.
Please don't kiss my but because I worked 19 hours straight yesterday as this Noreaster ripped through the east coast.
At the same time please don't shortchange my contribution to this company simply because I chose to do a different job after having done yours.
This storm gave most of the east coast 2 inches of mixed sleet. not a big deal in weather terms. Take you time go to work and when you get there join the players making this business happen.
For those of you not familar with Eastern Pennsylvania, Interstate 78 is a major east-west highway. It has been close to all trafic ( a 50 mile streach) since Wednesday due to the ice and snow buildup and jack knifed tractor-trailors blocking the roadway.
The local newspaper had several articles about people stranded on I78 for up to 24 hours. The National Guard was called out to assist stranded traveler, and shelters were set up in a school.
One of the stranded drivers mentioned in the article was a UPS driver heading eastbound to his home Hub in Secaucus, NJ. He became stranded behind a couple of jack knifed trailors at 1 PM on WEDNESDAY and was finally rescued at 11 AM on THURSDAY, and taken to the shelter. He had been STRANDED for 22 HOURS in sub zero weather, along with an estimated 1,000 others.
P.S. As of now, I78 is STILL CLOSED, 50 hours and counting.
Thank you PENDOT (Pa Dept of Transportation)
I respect your position and what you've been thru. I guess what I'm trying to say is this: Some of US have been thru it too.
tie i dragged doubles up and down a mnt side last nite,had to spray wd/40 on my hands to get em off the steering wheel when i got back,i would have loved to bang in
For those of you not familar with Eastern Pennsylvania, Interstate 78 is a major east-west highway. It has been close to all trafic ( a 50 mile streach) since Wednesday due to the ice and snow buildup and jack knifed tractor-trailors blocking the roadway.
The local newspaper had several articles about people stranded on I78 for up to 24 hours. The National Guard was called out to assist stranded traveler, and shelters were set up in a school.
One of the stranded drivers mentioned in the article was a UPS driver heading eastbound to his home Hub in Secaucus, NJ. He became stranded behind a couple of jack knifed trailors at 1 PM on WEDNESDAY and was finally rescued at 11 AM on THURSDAY, and taken to the shelter. He had been STRANDED for 22 HOURS in sub zero weather, along with an estimated 1,000 others.
P.S. As of now, I78 is STILL CLOSED, 50 hours and counting.
Thank you PENDOT (Pa Dept of Transportation)
I78 and also 81 were shut down. We (ups) had quite a few drivers stuck in the mess for 20 or more hours.
I'm asking here. Do the feeder drivers get paid when they're stuck like that (I'm assuming they do)? If so, thats some serious money they're making to just sit there. I know it sucks, but I guess you have to look at the bright side.
Come`on now. A nice wine and a backrub makes the time go by smoothly. Kind of a Brokeback Trucker kind of mood.Yes, feeder drivers get paid while stuck. Sleepers get paid after being stuck for 15 min, then time goes back to first min. Yes, it can be very lucrative but, personally, I'd rather be moving.