companal makes an interesting point.
UPS at one time did have a no rehire policy for anyone that left UPS. Period. But they also had a lot of other rules that they also have relaxed, like putting family on.
But do to the shortage of available workers, they have had to modify their hiring policies. So maybe this one might change as well.
Currently, the way it is, if you quit and they classify you as available for rehire, no problem. You can go anywhere else in the world and apply again, and be treated just like anyone else off the street. Maybe just maybe you might have an edge if you were able to develop a skill that they can use.
If they classify you as a no rehire, that is a warning to the company that you either left instead of being fired (like in the case of part timers that have stolen items, but were never arrested) or you were a pain to your sups. (from work ethic, to chronic late issues, the list is endless.) Or you went over to the dark side (fedex) and leaked information to them. In these cases, UPS does not want you back. All these have happened in our building, so I know of these first hand.
I dont see them changing a rehire status any time soon.