Can I file for a grievance?

john chesney

Well-Known Member
Ever since peak season ended at my hub they’ve been sending people home left and right most with way less seniority than me. I’m not even given the option if I want to leave. Also I’m not sure who I would file the grievance against I’m pretty sure it’s the full time sup that’s sending people home[/QUOT
Please refer to the contact before you file. I would advise mgmt of violations and then file. If you don’t follow grievance procedure your grievance can be ruled improper


I'm a star
Maybe he is like @Orlando and doesn't know what the red X is for.

I've caught myself giving ratings on accident while scrolling on the touch screen, so maybe that's what's happening here? It doesn't really bother me if someone disagrees, just back it up with an explanantion. I realize what I wrote likely doesn't apply to everyone, I just get tired of prefacing everything with "In my center", etc. Figure most people understand that things are different for different regions, locals, etc. But @Brown Down's not highly active, so he may not have that understanding.


New Member
Ever since peak season ended at my hub they’ve been sending people home left and right most with way less seniority than me. I’m not even given the option if I want to leave. Also I’m not sure who I would file the grievance against I’m pretty sure it’s the full time sup that’s sending people home

I call my Sup before 7:30 usually I get the day


Well-Known Member
Why? If you use your optional day you'll be paid to not work. Otherwise you're losing money because you want to be sent home.
Because most of us with high seniority are most likely better off financially than those with less seniority. Our kids are grown and out of the house and we can afford to take days off without pay.
Also, it allows us to keep our option days to use for whenever we want to bump you guys. :lol:


Well-Known Member
The whole "seniority gives you the right to work, not the right to not work" argument is only applicable if a sup. asks an hourly to do something, and he says, "No, I have more seniority, ask him (hourly with less seniority) instead .

This is trying to use your seniority to refuse work, which you cannot do.

If cuts are made, like in the OP's situation, they have to be made from the top FIRST. Supervisors don't ask lower seniority workers anything before they've asked those with top seniority. Vacations, leaving early, OT, double-shifting, leaving the area, preferred jobs - it's all covered by seniority.

It actually says in the contract, "Seniority will be given prime consideration in all work related issues."

The company does try to use a loophole here and there, usually after peak, where an hourly who has yet to make probation, isn't considered a Union employee, and thus, the company doesn't have to abide by the rules of seniority when making cuts. But I've always told the offending supervisor or lead, if that's the case, what is he/she doing touching packages?

They usually roll their eyes and ask if I want to go home.


Well-Known Member
Ever since peak season ended at my hub they’ve been sending people home left and right most with way less seniority than me. I’m not even given the option if I want to leave. Also I’m not sure who I would file the grievance against I’m pretty sure it’s the full time sup that’s sending people home
I'm really not sure. My guess is you could win a, "okay, we'll try and make sure we offer it to you first if we're able too". Really enforcing that, will be another story. They'll play with time of knowledge, and that crap.
Maybe, pretend you wanna stay late and work a lot of OT! Once they sense that, they'll do their best to send you home early. lol


Next gen teamster
If you don't wanna work out that day just bang out otherwise I just stay long as possible and watch supes squirm when no one wants to leave early enjoy your pph!


Well-Known Member
Seniority gives you the right to work, not the right not to work.

Haha. I like this idea.

From now on id like to be dispatched with an 8hr day, while the higher seniority guys are forced to stay out late delivering. Because "seniority gives them the right to work, not the right not to work"