Basically, if you don't stall the engine when acclerating, you don't hit curbs or other vehicles, and you don't make the person giving the test crap their pants from your driving, you might be in.
Make sure to engage clutch before starting vehicle. Continuously honk the horn when backing up. After coming to a stop Engadge pbrake. Leave a car length between the car in front of you when stopped in traffic. Don't let vehicle roll back when starting on a hill using pbrake. Use your lights horn and signals. After you make your 30 drive like a normal person
Make sure to engage clutch before starting vehicle. Continuously honk the horn when backing up. After coming to a stop engage parking brake. Leave a package car length between the car in front of you when stopped in traffic. Don't let vehicle roll back when starting on a hill using parking brake. Use your lights, horn and signals. After you make your 30 drive like a normal person.