Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Who’s shoving it in your face? If the discussion makes you uncomfortable, I’d say that’s more of a reflection of you. I don’t understand why it’s “so hard” to put up with discussion about racism. Embrace it.
I typically avoid mediums that have succumbed to the cancer so I personally have been able to resist having it shoved in my face so much. People who are say, sports fans for example, haven't been so lucky.

Netsua 3:16

I typically avoid mediums that have succumbed to the cancer so I personally have been able to resist having it shoved in my face so much. People who are say, sports fans for example, haven't been so lucky.
And you’re calling ME woke??? 😂
“I don’t watch sports because the media has an agenda and I don’t wanna be brainwashed”
Ok buddy


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Evolution! It will. At some point. In the meantime, making an effort to make the world a better place doesn’t friend’ing hurt
“Racism won’t ever go away so it doesn’t matter”
It will never go away. And all this nonsense is just going to make the true hardcore racists more militant about it.

Netsua 3:16

You don't seem to realize the neoMarxists have tricked you into pushing their agenda through anti racist propaganda rather than the traditional class warfare strategy.

Very sad.
We all know what side you are on, don’t we? So influenced and determined to convey alt right dribble.
Baaa baaa sheep!

Netsua 3:16

About that….I don’t think you or I will be welcomed there with open arms. You’re too Black and I’m too White.
Well. You know, I’m not perfect, I’m make poor choices at times. For the most part, I’m a good, intelligent dude with sound beliefs who wants to do the right thing
And hey, without some dialogue, confrontation, big problems don’t just go away by telling everybody to “suck it up”
This is what I got to offer, and I like it here, because I’d much rather converse with people who think I’m wrong and crazy than people who just agree with me all the time.
It’s certainly a learning experience
And no, I’m not afraid to stoop to any level to get to the conversation. It’s just a message board after all

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
You don't seem to realize the neoMarxists have tricked you into pushing their agenda through anti racist propaganda rather than the traditional class warfare strategy.

Very sad.

nobody tricked me dude. It’s human decency not to be racist. You treat people with respect regardless of race, sex, religion etc etc

this isn’t a hard concept to grasp lol


Inordinately Right
We all know what side you are on, don’t we? So influenced and determined to convey alt right dribble.
I'm just here calling out your far left radical lies with facts kiddo.

Marxism through class warfare doesn't work in America. That's why they're tricking sheep like you to push their marxist agenda through trash like critical race theory.