Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
It’s the latest in a long line of manufactured outrage by right wing propaganda. See MS-13 or migrant caravans. They aren’t real problems but you guys eat it up and forget about them in a few months.
While I realize many things can be faked on TV, I know for a fact that MS-13 IS a problem. I lived in an area where they were a HUGE problem. Just because you might live in a nice upper class neighborhood and CNN tells you they are no big deal, does not mean it’s true.


Well-Known Member
While I realize many things can be faked on TV, I know for a fact that MS-13 IS a problem. I lived in an area where they were a HUGE problem. Just because you might live in a nice upper class neighborhood and CNN tells you they are no big deal, does not mean it’s true.
Lets throw it out to @MAKAVELI our resident gang expert. If I'm correct I remember him boasting of MS-13 origin in his great state of California. Presumably he didn't want some dirty Salvadorians getting credit for creating the social club.


Well-Known Member
It’s the latest in a long line of manufactured outrage by right wing propaganda. See MS-13 or migrant caravans. They aren’t real problems but you guys eat it up and forget about them in a few months.
So when Democratic Congressman Henry Cuellar of Texas is highly critical of the administration's handling of border security he's just making it up? AOC went to the border awhile back and feigned outrage over conditions in detention centers. Was that for Republican consumption? Tucker Carlson actually went to El Salvador to report on MS-13 and interviewed El Salvador's president who has gone to great lengths to clean up his country's gang problem. We have millions and millions of illegal immigrants in the U.S. The Biden administration reversed just about all of Trump's border policies. And the border is being overrun. How are we supposed to take care of all of these people? Most can't speak English and many, if not most, have no training to speak of in a usable skill. With record debt the government is in no position to provide for millions of illegals.


Well-Known Member
That’s not actually happening. CRT is a theory of law, it’s not being taught in elementary schools. There is a right wing propaganda machine convincing and funding parents to manufacture outrage.
Tell that to all the parents who are at school board meetings showing them all the handouts their kids have brought home promoting these ideas.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Tell that to all the parents who are at school board meetings showing them all the handouts their kids have brought home promoting these ideas.
The parents funded by right wing organizations? Nobody cares about your fake outrage. Slavery happened, sorry teaching children about that upsets you.


Well-Known Member
The parents funded by right wing organizations? Nobody cares about your fake outrage. Slavery happened, sorry teaching children about that upsets you.
No one denies slavery happened. But there are even black parents denouncing CRT because it's racist. Teaches their children that they are and always will be oppressed. That just having white skin makes little Johnny a racist oppressor. This is insanity.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
No one denies slavery happened. But there are even black parents denouncing CRT because it's racist. Teaches their children that they are and always will be oppressed. That just having white skin makes little Johnny a racist oppressor. This is insanity.
That’s not what CRT teaches. That’s made up to make you angry.