Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Yep. He's a big boy who can think for himself. It's why I voted for him twice.

The new Democratic regime will make sure this never happens again. Wokeness must be secured, safe from DINO free thinkers like Obama.
What “woke” policies has Biden implemented that you disagree with?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Barry deserved to catch a headshot.
His children should of been born with cancer.
His wife has a penis.

El Correcto

god is dead

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Best president of my life time. Woke on homosexuality, wonderful foreign policy and a strong B+ domestically.

"Kellyanne Conway: Trump first president to take office 'approving of gay marriage"

In January, 2017. Impressive.