I want to congratulate so many posters who have put in the effort to understand our monetary system. I'm somewhat of a student of the subject.
To being to understand where we are and how we got here one must start with the fractional banking system and the use of debt leverage. We live in a debt based system with debt based money. Just take a $1 $5 $10 $20 $50 or $100 dollar bill out of your pocket and read it. It says right on top "Federal Reserve Note"; a note , as you know, is a debt instruments. Under the seal of the US Federal Reserve system, lower left, it says "This
Note is Legal Tender For all Debts Public or Private".
So, although this thread is about another topic let me say briefly that money isn't just created by the Federal Reserve from taps on a keyboard but also, and mainly, created by the expansion of debt. For the economy to grow, debt has to increase, because that how money comes into existence in a fractional banking system, in a debt based economy, with debt based money. Inflation, of course, is a product of money velocity. The speed and quantity of money changing hands in an economy at a given time period. But, I'll leave this more detailed discussions for a more appropriate thread.