The irony of someone who believes the Big Lie telling me I am embarrassing myself is pretty humorous
Are there any big lies you might believe in?
The irony of someone who believes the Big Lie telling me I am embarrassing myself is pretty humorous
You have sidestepped the real issue. People have gotten used to terrible monetary policy. They expect it. Demand it. Administrations and their appointees to the Federal Reserve have done everything possible to maintain the facade. Smoke and mirrors. Sustaining the unsustainable will have to come to an end. Nobody’s going to stay clean this time.The printing got accelerated in the last year and inflation with it. Inflation isn't the rise in prices. That's the result of inflation. Inflation is increasing the money supply. Way too much in circulation now. But it started in 2008 and has been fairly steady up to this year. There was a point where they eased off during the Obama administration due to a number of countries threatening to replace the Dollar as the reserve currency with a basket of currencies. They could see that the money that they had invested in our bonds was being returned to them at less value. We've been playing a dangerous game for a long time and the recent bill costing trillions was probably the proverbial straw. Thank Joe Manchin for stopping that. If interest rates are raised there will have to be severe tightening of our belts to service the debt. Heaven help us if we default. Folks have gotten used to deficit spending and think it can go on forever. At some point the bill comes due. And I know you hate to hear this, don't want to believe it, but Trump had put policies in place that would have ultimately gotten us out of this mess. Biden however reversed everything for apparently no other reason than it was what Trump had put in place. Trump still had deficit spending, but what we needed was a soft landing, not a hard crash. We're about to get thumped.
That would mean the US hand over ownership to banks and investors. Like China.The existing debt requires that rates stay near zero forever.
Yes. And the borrower is servant to the lender.That would mean the US hand over ownership to banks and investors. Like China.
I saw a guy say that just yesterday. Cheap money and debt are like cocaine to people used to getting it. But the powers that be should have known better but they've convinced themselves they can get us out of this. Reality is setting in.You have sidestepped the real issue. People have gotten used to terrible monetary policy. They expect it. Demand it. Administrations and their appointees to the Federal Reserve have done everything possible to maintain the facade. Smoke and mirrors. Sustaining the unsustainable will have to come to an end. Nobody’s going to stay clean this time.
Except the Chinese have their own debacle with many companies way overextended to the point that they won't be able to service their own bonds denominated in dollars. When the crash comes it won't just be the U.S. The worldwide lending system is on the line. Europe is in real trouble too.That would mean the US hand over ownership to banks and investors. Like China.
Then why point and democrats and cheer Joe Manchin?I saw a guy say that just yesterday. Cheap money and debt are like cocaine to people used to getting it. But the powers that be should have known better but they've convinced themselves they can get us out of this. Reality is setting in.
Because Democrats were pushing a bill that would have definitely broke the bank. We're on the brink now, but Manchin kept us from going over. For awhile at least.Then why point and democrats and cheer Joe Manchin?
The powers that be are not particularly partisan in creating this mess.
Oh stop. Break it already. Rip the friend’n bandaid off already. Stop acting like somehow, someway we’re going to be spared. We’ve all got it coming.Because Democrats were pushing a bill that would have definitely broke the bank. We're on the brink now, but Manchin kept us from going over. For awhile at least.
As I said before, we could've had a soft landing. Looking like a very hard crash is coming. You can downplay it all you want, but a liberal wishlist that would've cost $5 trillion according to the CBO and would've required even more printing would've definitely crashed us. If it had been a conservative administration pushing that you would've been gleefully pointing that out. And we don't all have it coming. Those who have been responsible with their money will suffer alongside those who've pushed for more, more, more from their government. MMT indeed.Oh stop. Break it already. Rip the friend’n bandaid off already. Stop acting like somehow, someway we’re going to be spared. We’ve all got it coming.
If you’ve been an adult for the last 25 years, you are part of the responsible group. We’ve elected officials that have sold the country out. We’ve created too big to fail. We’ve spent crazy money and insisted on tax cuts assuming somehow it would all balance out.As I said before, we could've had a soft landing. Looking like a very hard crash is coming. You can downplay it all you want, but a liberal wishlist that would've cost $5 trillion according to the CBO and would've required even more printing would've definitely crashed us. If it had been a conservative administration pushing that you would've been gleefully pointing that out. And we don't all have it coming. Those who have been responsible with their money will suffer alongside those who've pushed for more, more, more from their government. MMT indeed.
No, we'd still have financial pain, just not financial Armageddon.@vantexan also, a “soft landing” would only serve to convince people that it’s all jut fine. Keep going the way we’re going.
That’s the last thing we need.
Who's crying like a victim? I've been just relaying what I've been reading for some time now. And pointing out why we're in this predicament. I've seen you many times over the years downplay all the spending, even saying it's a good thing. Now that there are cracks in the dam you are looking to spread the blame. I've been on here pointing out that doing things like running a 20 year war spending trillions and getting people killed was wrong. Both parties are responsible for the spending and recklessness but one party in particular when given the chance ran up the tally big time and would be doing so now if there wasn't a Democratic senator with integrity willing to stand up to them. And we're all going to suffer for the largesse and if anything knocks this country off its perch it'll be losing reserve currency status. If we default on our debts that will likely be the outcome. Think we're in a tough spot now? Wait until our currency is worth a lot less and we still have to buy most of our goods from overseas. Right now 352 of the S&P 500 companies are at 52 week lows. Do you know when the last time that happened was? Right before the bubble burst in 1999 and the stock market dropped 80%. The only thing keeping this market afloat is the 10 biggest companies are doing well. But they're sensitive to interest rate hikes which the Fed is supposed to do early next year. Stocks are in a huge bubble. Real estate and bonds too. So are foreign markets. China is in big trouble. I remember not long after 2008 there were reports that a lot of the practices that caused the Great Recession were starting to happen again. Look at what's been going on in the last couple of years. Huge amount of IPO's brought to market. Trying to take advantage of the bull run. That happened before 1999 too. Anything with a after it's name had money thrown at it. People don't learn. But a lot of us didn't go out and buy houses we couldn't afford before 2008. But when it crashed we suffered too. No different this time.If you’ve been an adult for the last 25 years, you are part of the responsible group. We’ve elected officials that have sold the country out. We’ve created too big to fail. We’ve spent crazy money and insisted on tax cuts assuming somehow it would all balance out.
I’ve said it before. We can’t logically say that our retirement is our own when we haven’t been paying the mortgage. We can’t point at elected officials because we elected them. We can’t point at democrats and say they spend too much and ignore republicans when they hurry to cut taxes and refuse the difficult vote to cut spending.
Yes, van. All of us. Don’t act clean. Don’t cry like a victim. “The powers that be” in a representative republic are…well, you get the point.
We’ve seen financial pain in this country before. Nothing changed.No, we'd still have financial pain, just not financial Armageddon.
Well then you've got nothing to worry about.We’ve seen financial pain in this country before. Nothing changed.
Oh. I don’t worry at all. I look forward to it. Way overdue. I’ve had fairly lengthy discussions with my pastor about the possible paradigm quake that’s coming.Well then you've got nothing to worry about.
Where do you get your info from?Right now 352 of the S&P 500 companies are at 52 week lows.
Your chart shows new 52 week lows. Doesn't account for others already there or the ebb and flow of others from when I got that info.Where do you get your info from?