Nothing surprising than a "moderator" on this board spreading false numbers they hear on FAUX news..
The 80% percent number came from where??? Tell us.
In fact, a little play on words by your spin doctors on the right wing kool aid shows..
The majority of car sales to foriegn manufactures is 36% not 80% like you claim, and of that 73% were made in the USA, yes thats right, here in the good old USA...HO RAH!
I don't know about your numbers, but this smells of a bailout on top of a bailout.
The program is a huge success for both the auto industry as a whole from the porter who washes the cars to the manufactures.
The biggest winner is the
CONSUMER, who recieves at least
4500 dollars
Dealers ran out of inventory, states collected huge tax dollars and licensing fees, dealers DIDNT have to pay the huge flooring costs of having the cars on the showroom floor for another month...and so on and so on...
But you kool aid kooks just dont get it..
I welcome the president of the United States giving me back some of my tax dollars I paid into the system before it ends up in another wall street billionaires savings account.
Funny how when President BUSHED gave billions to AIG (87 billion in fact) and other financial criminals you all praised his mighty leadership.
I never saw any praising going on.
But now, President Obama gives 1 billion to regular americans and you call him stupid? He furthers that by adding another 2 billion for regular americans and you still cry socialist?
Who says "regular americans" took advantage of this and not the well off?
Give us a break, if the republicans can find 87 billion for AIG, they can find 3 billion for the regular hard working average american citizen.
"Republicans" were not very happy about it.
Get over it.
OBAMA in 2012.