You still did not answer my question on your support of corporate welfare programs which is exactly what Cash for Clunkers is all about. Although its apparent you can't comprehend the difference between a competitive advantage(which this program is not about), and using taxpayer dollars to remove used vehicles from the market increasing prices for all used vehicles. Calling this a success is a bit early as we have yet to see how many vehicles will get repossessed in the coming months when the owners get tired of making payments on them. .
This is old fashioned stimulus of a sort that Republicans like yourself have always advocated in the past, using financial incentives to change behavior.
Now you hate it, most Republicans are haten it, because it’s become a huge hit. It worked as planned, and this cannot stand."
America must fail in order for President Obama to fail." I'm surprised the tea party goons dispatched to shout down town hall forums on health care wern't showing up at your car dealers, megaphones in hand.
But there’s another reason, less spoken of, for why some people get so incensed over little old Cash for Clunkers: it helps average people, and it’s easily understood. The only lack of comprehension empowered here is your predictable excuses, accusations, and unproven prophicies.
The real irony is that this is a small scale reversal of trickle down economics..and so many people like yourself are up in arms and scared this program and others down the road invested by the recovery act monies will point us in the right direction towards the long road to recovery.
Considering all the scandals over the last few years...from Enron to the most recent financial breakdown. This program is actually refreshing, when cast against all the money given to these financial firms by the Bush Adm, funds unaccounted for in the rebuilding of Iraq...and so on and so on.
Yet, when a tiny fraction of stimulus amount went to strapped consumers this summer for their revival, The Bama Bashers on their pedestal, calling Cash for Clunkers “crackpot economics.”