Why do you all jump to so many legal conclusions??
The company CAN NEVER search a vehicle or your person. They must hand that jurisdiction over the the local law enforcement agency.
In addition, they must PROVE first, that the person(s) has a piece of UPS property, in fact, they must have an EYE witness proof from the location of the theft all the way to the car before the POLICE can search anything.
There has to be a legal premise to authorize a search. Even if the cigarettes were found in his car, there would be no BASIS for charging him with anything.
Do you think for a moment that the manufacturer made more than ONE pack of cigarettes in order to make some profit??
Who's to say he didnt buy them someplace else and its nothing more than a coincedence?
You all want to play junkyard lawyers but none of you have the experience to make those kinds of decisions.
An employee can never be "coerced" into any kind of searches by the company. Whether or not the car is on company property, it makes no difference under the law.
I would sue UPS for violation of privacy and an illegal search. There is nothing in our contract that allows the company to search any part of an employee or property.
Get your facts straight people.
Your Judge Judy impressions are getting old.