Central Region Saturday Ground


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
If you have a route that is pretty much all retail, and you clean it up Saturday, what is left for Monday?


Well-Known Member
We all know how those "special operating" day's work....boss says everybody is light and 8/10 guys get 12 hour days.... Happens every time ...


Light 'em up!
Article 40 was implemented very quickly right after when the ups air operations first started. The negotiators needed language. We will have to get some good proposals for our officers who negotiate this next ups contract. We need to cover any and all scenarios. When article 40 language wast first negotiated we all would have been better off served if we could see into th future. That's not possible but we need to think outside the box as to what this could all lead to.

We could not see into the future, but, back then, Article 40 was opened up for renegotiation every 3 years, now, every 5 years. That language could have been changed, or even eliminated.

friend you have a route that is pretty much all retail, and you clean it up Saturday, what is left for Monday?

Most residentials will be delivered on Saturday, leaving only business and pick ups to be done on Monday. There will be many routes cut every Monday.

The stuff they ship Thursday through Saturday

There will be no Saturday pickups, except for a few exceptions. They may move Amazon on Saturday, but for the most part, what comes in Saturday morning will be all there is for Saturday and Monday.

The company is going to run exactly the same amount to routes on Monday as they do now. they are not taking away Monday to pick up Saturday

They are delivering on Saturday because that is what Amazon wants. UPS basically does not have a choice. Both FedEx and the USPS deliver on Saturday. It was only a matter of time to stay competitive.

There will be many routes combined on Mondays, with many eliminated.


There will be no Saturday pickups, except for a few exceptions. They may move Amazon on Saturday, but for the most part, what comes in Saturday morning will be all there is for Saturday and Monday. Quote from @Mugarolla I don't know what I did:)

There will be a three dollar charge for commercial pickups on Saturday which will also qualify you for a delivery. What I've been told is that they expect it to be 99% residential. I have another meeting tomorrow on this subject and will give more information tomorrow.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I don't see how Saturday resi makes us money? For years they have been saying business to business is where its at.


Well-Known Member
Nothing is happening, until the issues with part-time and 22.3 people are resolved.

(How else are they going to staff a Saturday operation?)
What is part time 22.3?? I am PT Air driver can I get FT when they start T-S route in my Hub?

Ignore speculation from other drivers or management.

Call your BA.

Locals will schedule meetings, "if and when" anything is finalized.

I don't see anything happening soon.

The issue, should be a part of the upcoming contract negotiations.

Not some sort of "half***" MOU.


wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
There will be no Saturday pickups, except for a few exceptions. They may move Amazon on Saturday, but for the most part, what comes in Saturday morning will be all there is for Saturday and Monday.
Not true. UPS is now advertising Saturday pickups. It's at an additional cost of a whopping $9. Now maybe Average Joe's Hardware may not shell out the cash, but I'm sure Macy's, Target, Nordstrom's, Pottery Barn, Amazon and the rest will have no issues paying for that service to get their products out of the stores. Thus facilitating a more structured Monday delivery schedule.


Light 'em up!
Not true.


UPS is now advertising Saturday pickups.

Like I said, a few exceptions. This means what I said was true.

Now maybe Average Joe's Hardware may not shell out the cash

And these types of accounts are the majority of our pickups.

but I'm sure Macy's, Target, Nordstrom's, Pottery Barn, Amazon and the rest will have no issues paying for that service to get their products out of the stores.

Yes, a few of the exceptions.

Thus facilitating a more structured Monday delivery schedule.


Who is going to process these exceptions that were picked up on Saturday.

In order for your claim of a more processed Monday delivery schedule, there will have to be hubs working a Saturday night sort to process these trailers and then move them Saturday night to the centers for a Monday delivery.

So I will say it again....

There will be no Saturday pickups, except for a few exceptions. They may pickup a few accounts on Saturday, but for the most part, what comes in Saturday morning will be all there is for Saturday and Monday.