The Central States Pension Fund officials next week plan to announce cuts to retirees and future retires. The cuts will be drastic for over 200,000 current retirees who are expected to take cuts of 30% to 40%.
The Central States also has 200,000+ active participants that will be affected by the cuts. What percentage of these will vote for Hoffa in 2016? Will these angry 200,000 non-UPS Teamsters show up in mass to vote next year?
The Hoffa administration was hoping not to announce the cuts until after the 2016 IBT election, but the pension fund is so cash-strapped that the cuts have to be made before the end of the year.
If even 20% (40,000) of these angry 200,000 angry members cast a ballot...who will they cast it for, Hoffa?
Any thoughts on this crisis?