Well-Known Member
I have an idea. How about all current full timers take a .50 pay cut to help a brother out?
I actually suggested something similar when this whole issue began in another thread and to say I was almost by myself is an understatement. When it was announced that the number of effected UPSers was 8700 plus and an example was given of one retiree's pension cut at about $1500 per month, I used the .70 cent raise as the base and 200k current UPS Teamsters, this would give an annual amount of $291 million dollars collected from the .70 cents if I remember my math correct The amount needed to cover the costs in my criteria above is right at $156 million annually.
I actually had this same conversation with several co-workers yesterday and they agreed doing something like this is a no-brainer. But I suspect no such happenings will ever occur.