You are just like the typical Teamster, telling only half the story. Why don't you list the posts that I responded to, and you will see why my responses were appropriate. I stand by every statement that I have made.
As an example, I recently quoted the facts from the annual report from Central States, but one of your loyal Teamster buddies still denied the truth, even after I told him where he can obtain the same facts for himself to check out to verify what I have stated. He didn't bother to check out my information, but said that I pulled these figures out of my a**. what do you expect me to call him? Should I praise him for his stupidity, because he doesn't know better. If he had taken the time to see the facts for himself, he would see that I was giving truthful information, unlike the Teamsters, who have nothing to offer, so they must spew the propaganda. If I had lied and posted false information, you people would be all over it, and I would lose credibility, but not one of you Teamsters have been able to deny the numbers that are in the annual report from Central States. Why is that? Could I be right! If you can prove that the facts and figures that I posted are wrong, them I will no longer write anything on this site. Why don't you and your Teamster cronies do the same.
You should be more concerned about the problem with our medical and pension benefits. The Teamsters can't fix it, and they have no plan, other than to lie to the workers who back them up. At least the APWA has a viable plan, one that can work, and is at least honest with the people backing them up. One question that I keep asking you pro-Teamsters, but you refuse to answer: What do the Teamsters offer that benefit the workers? They can't negotiate a contract that doesn't benefit themselves, they are forced to make cuts to our medical and pension , even though UPS gives more than enough money to fully fund each one, the raises we received the last 5 years were negated by cuts and the cost of living, so the reality is that we actually are earning less.