Whereas, the recent contract negotiations with UPS revealed a situation that is not addressed by the ratification processes set forth in Article XII of the International Constitution and was not contemplated at the time that provision was amended in 2001, and Whereas, the current negotiations with UPS are deadlocked as a result of the rejection of two supplements and a rider by the affected members, and Whereas, the national master agreement and all of the other supplements and riders have been approved by votes of the affected members constituting 95% of the overall bargaining unit, and Whereas, the National Negotiating Committee convened a meeting on March 4, 2014, with representatives of the Western Pennsylvania Supplement, Local 623 Supplement and Local 89 Air Rider negotiating committees to provide assistance as contemplated by Article XII, Section 2(b) and to ascertain the remaining issues in dispute, and Whereas, the chairpersons of each of the negotiating committees expressed the view that the members would never ratify the supplement or rider because of their dissatisfaction with a provision in the ratified master agreement, and Whereas, the members of the master negotiating committee then solicited the views of each member of the supplemental or rider negotiating committee as to the issues preventing ratification and each member confirmed that their members would not ratify their supplement or rider even if UPS conceded on every disputed supplementary or rider issue, and, Whereas, none of the members in the overall bargaining unit have received the wage increases, benefits and language improvements that were negotiated in 2013 as a result of the refusal of the members covered by the two supplements and rider to accept provisions in the master agreement that have been accepted by the overwhelming majority of the bargaining unit, and Whereas, Article XII, Section 6 of the International Constitution provides that “the General Executive Board is empowered to amend, delete, or add to this Article if at any time it believes such action will be in the interests of the International Union or its subordinate bodies”, and Whereas, the national negotiating committee has informed the General Executive Board that there are no further actions that it can take to achieve the ratification of the two supplements and rider and that UPS has made its final offers to those members, and Whereas, this impasse cannot be resolved based upon the current language of the Constitution regarding ratification of master agreements, resulting in the indefinite depravation (sic) of the members who voted in favor of the benefits in the 2013 contract and depriving health and welfare and benefit funds of additional contributions which are necessary to pay ongoing benefits to active members and retirees, Therefore, be it resolved that the General Executive Board exercise its authority to amend Article XII, Section 2(b) by adding the following paragraph in the middle of page 94: Notwithstanding the above, in the event the master agreement has been approved pursuant to the provisions of this Article, but the members covered by a supplement or rider do not approve the employer’s last, best and final offer, as determined by the master negotiating committee, and the supplemental or rider negotiating committee reports that the members have rejected the supplement or rider because of a provision in the ratified master agreement, then the master negotiating committee shall have the authority to declare the master agreement and all supplements and riders to be in effect.