It was brought up at a recent local meeting that during the next convention they will be voting to change the 2/3 rule in the IBT constitution. Please talk to your delegates and make sure they know how you feel about the matter.
I personally am not sure how I feel yet about changing the 2/3 vote rule in Article 12 of the IBT Constitution.
There is obviously a history where the IBT has used the 2/3 majority vote over the years. It is my understanding that the 2/3 majority vote was used to ratify contracts in the past and changing the rule to a simple majority if at least one half the eligible members vote was a previous change made at a previous IBT Convention while maintaining the 2/3 majority vote requirement when less than one half the eligible membership cast ballots.
I have to believe there was some wisdom for this.
It is not uncommon for 2/3 majority to be required when significant rights of a membership hangs in the balance of a decision. It seems like ratification of a union contract would qualify as being very significant.
I understand the dissonance some may have with the ratification of the Teamsters/UPS CBA.
I can't help but question, if apathy of membership, measured by failure to vote, is the root of the problem, even if it is a decades old problem, is allowing a minority of the membership take unrepresentative action without even the minimal protection of requiring at least 2/3 majority vote to move significant actions forward or in this case prevent a significant action from moving forward, as many seemed to have hoped, going to help resolve the apathy within the eligible voting membership of the UPS Teamster.
I just don't know???