Retired and Happy
I had a house on my route that the dog would continually circle the truck as I rode up the driveway. Then it would nip at my heels as I walked to the side entrance. It was like this everytime. I even had my supervisor meet me on route and view the dog with his antics. My sup made the owner build a box down at the bottom of the driveway for me to place all deliveries in. It still didn't stop, the dog would chase me down the road as I rode by, I even talked to the FedEx driver and he said the dog did the same to him. One day, I was driving by on the road and the dog jumped out to chase me and thump, I nailed him. Dead as dead can be. It took all my courage to pick the dog up and deliver that dead dog to the man of the house that day. I actually got a christmas bonus from him that year! Never before or after did he tip me. He must've hated all the crap that dog caused him.