Charlie Sheen


Retired 23 years
I see Vivid Entertainment has made him an offer to work for them. Its good to see somebody is still hiring.


Staff member
I have not read this entire thread, so I may be repeating someone but:

Has anyone considered that this may be some huge publicity stunt? I mean, his current show has probably run its course. Maybe this is a publicity stunt for his next show?


golden ticket member
I don't think so. His rants are very much like a George Carlin/Dennis Miller robot turned up 2 or 3 speeds too fast, but out of control. After listening to his gibberish, I looked up his education.....he said he didn't graduate H.S. I think he's truly a mental case. I'm not a doctor, but I have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express at least on 37% of my vacations.

I can't picture Charlie harming Angus....the 1/2 man in Two and a Half Men, by pulling a stunt and wrecking the kid's job.


Retired 23 years
If it isn't one star its another. If Micheal Jackson isn't sleeping with an eight year old boy or Mel Gibson isn't going off the deep end or Paris isn't making a smut film or Lindsey isn't stealing or doing drugs what would the world have to talk about? A few months from now we will have moved on to another Hollywood scandal. Last I heard MJ is taking in more money now than when he was alive, nobody gives a crap about Mel or Parris, Lindsay in another week or two will be a non-topic after she gets her hand slapped (again) so who really cares? Any bets on who will be the next media attention whore?


He's manic depressive. Once he hits the depression state there will some serious repercussions that ultimately he will have to deal with. If he's alive to see that day!@


They might as well realize that most shows have limited shelf life and that even with Sheen , the show might have only gone on for two more seasons.

I say that they should write into the script some sort of scenario where Charlie the character gets into an accident and the end result is that his brain is put into that of a robot who is now one of the 2 and a 1/2 men on the show. Same character, just a robot which on some occasions, experiences glitches during which he starts spouting that he has tiger blood and that he is a warlock, etc.

I don't know about you but I wouldn't miss an episode if they did something like that.


golden ticket member
Are they just going to stick the replacement for Sheen into the same role that Sheen played, like they did for Dareen in the Bewitched episodes or is he going to be another character that they will introduce into the show?

I haven't seen any details out there yet about how they'll do it. I'm just glad that the show will go on and show Charlie that he's not irreplaceable....Conchetta Ferrell is the irreplaceable one....Gotta love Berta!!!


Well-Known Member
I just can't picture Ashton Kutcher taking that role. The show has run it's course, the content has become more sexually oriented and Jake is no longer cute. I think it is time to call it a wrap.