Chattanooga, TN Marine Shooter


Staff member
Wow, so many left wing expertise on BC these days. Never any viable solutions offered, only criticism towards those that realize that these days, there is nothing that is not possible from the muzzies. Comparing what the radical muzzies do to Southern Baptists does NOTHING to address the problem of ISIS and the bunch bringing their activities to the USA via a number of means. If someone can tell the good ones from the bad ones, stand up and tell someone how to address it then. Otherwise, I believe they are all guilty and have to proved their innocence. They are not Americans, so they don't have our rights. THERE...that's what I vote for!
Prove their innocence? Are you sure you're an American and if so, is that a failure of the public school system or your gene pool?


Well-Known Member
Wow, so many left wing expertise on BC these days. Never any viable solutions offered, only criticism towards those that realize that these days, there is nothing that is not possible from the muzzies. Comparing what the radical muzzies do to Southern Baptists does NOTHING to address the problem of ISIS and the bunch bringing their activities to the USA via a number of means. If someone can tell the good ones from the bad ones, stand up and tell someone how to address it then. Otherwise, I believe they are all guilty and have to proved their innocence. They are not Americans, so they don't have our rights. THERE...that's what I vote for!
Where do you live? So I can send you a white sheet and Dock Martens for Christmas.;)


Well-Known Member
Wow, so many left wing expertise on BC these days. Never any viable solutions offered, only criticism towards those that realize that these days, there is nothing that is not possible from the muzzies. Comparing what the radical muzzies do to Southern Baptists does NOTHING to address the problem of ISIS and the bunch bringing their activities to the USA via a number of means. If someone can tell the good ones from the bad ones, stand up and tell someone how to address it then. Otherwise, I believe they are all guilty and have to proved their innocence. They are not Americans, so they don't have our rights. THERE...that's what I vote for!

Prove their innocence? Are you sure you're an American and if so, is that a failure of the public school system or your gene pool?

Where do you live? So I can send you a white sheet and Dock Martens for Christmas.;)

His tag line is 2e Rep, so I would guess that he is French Foreign Legion. According to @moreluck, that would make him a surrender money coward.

Me, I have no idea where he lives, or his upbringing. His thoughts are becoming increasingly mainstream, though.


Well-Known Member
According to U.S. Census data, the U.S. welcomes about 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year. This represents the fastest growing segment of immigrants coming to America.

.....and there's people on this forum that can't see down the road in terms of a insurrection and "civil unrest" by these people.

Look what they have done to Great Britain.
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Bad Moon Risen'
Maybe the USAF chooses to not let the guys that put "gas on airplanes" to handle a weapon and hurt themselves...Sort of a short bus thing ;-)
Someone chooses to serve their country in the military and you make fun of it. You are **********
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Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
So should we shoot all the Catholics in order to keep little boys from being molested?

Catholics aren't the only ones molesting little boys. Its happening in every group you can think of. Both religious and non. But nice try though. Are Catholics marching across portions of the Middle East and beheading little boys (as well as every other sex and age), burning people alive, drowning them in cages, locking them in cars and blowing them up, throwing gays off of buildings, etc. etc. ETC...?? Until that happens you have no business comparing Islamists to a a few sick perverts.

How about shooting all the Southern Baptists because they are the ones wearing bedsheets and lynching black people?

No...because we'd have to go back in time to do that and once there you'd realize that we'd actually be shooting white democrats and I don't think you'd like that.

I am by no means a fan or supporter of the Islamic faith but it is a fact that the overwhelming majority of its 1 billion+ followers worldwide are not extremists or terrorists. It is also a fact that the overwhelming majority of the victims of ISIS extremism are fellow Muslims--either Kurds, moderate Sunni's, or Shiites whom ISIS regards as apostates. It is also a fact that there are Muslim nations such as Turkey and Indonesia that are military allies of the United States.

Prejudice and ignorance are wrong, whether directed at gun owners or Muslims.

Islam, whether a higher percentage of the general Islamic population participates or not, is responsible for a disparant amount of the violence in this world. And those that aren't a part of it are not because they have SUBMITTED to Islam (which is what Islam means) and remain so out of fear or through doctrinal support. And our Islamic "Allies" are only so strictly for their own gain. They are all political allies and money/oil and the fact that our presence keeps them from being overrun by the more barbaric and "radical" elements is what makes them pretend to be our friends. The Islamic politicians in those countries know that if they were to be overrun by the others they'd have to give up their lavish and comfortable lifestyles. They'd turn on us in a second though if they saw that Islamic armies or terrorists even might gain a slight advantage over us. Those people flip sides just as quickly as the victors change.


Maybe we should round them all up and herd them into concentration camps and make them wear red crescent badges on their clothing. We could also tattoo ID numbers on their arms. We could work the healthy ones to death, the weak and elderly ones can go straight to the showers. It would certainly be the Christian thing to do.

Or just restrict them from coming here so they don't slowly but surely take over this country? And since when is doing any of that the Christian thing to do?

Wow, so many left wing expertise on BC these days. Never any viable solutions offered, only criticism towards those that realize that these days, there is nothing that is not possible from the muzzies. Comparing what the radical muzzies do to Southern Baptists does NOTHING to address the problem of ISIS and the bunch bringing their activities to the USA via a number of means. If someone can tell the good ones from the bad ones, stand up and tell someone how to address it then. Otherwise, I believe they are all guilty and have to proved their innocence. They are not Americans, so they don't have our rights. THERE...that's what I vote for!

Here's the thing......there is no comparison between the throat cutters and Southern Baptists. For them to even suggest such comparison, or any of their other common comparisons for that matter, is pure lunacy. Liberals are always quick to defend the enemy. I swear if this country were ever to face war on or own land many of these liberals (not all or even most, but many) would end up being collaborators with the enemy. And I am dead serious about that.


Inordinately Right
Otherwise, I believe they are all guilty and have to proved their innocence. They are not Americans, so they don't have our rights. THERE...that's what I vote for!
They're not Americans, except that about 75% of Muslims in this country, are in fact, US citizens.
Sadly, when it comes to minorities, you got the part about being guilty until proven innocent right.