Shows what YOU know about GUN SHOWS.
Everthing you said is pure B.S. and the reason BUSH started Operation Wide Reciever that continued into the Obama administration only to be called Operation Fast and Furious.
The intent was to seek out STRAW BUYERS who go to GUN SHOWS and buy guns from UNLICENSED gun sellers and then turn around and sell them to cartels and gang members.
Do you even know what the GUN SHOW loophole is??
The loophole is where many of the guns that end up in chicago come from. A straw buyer goes to Texas, New Mexico or Arizona, and buys guns from unlicensed gun seller INSIDE the Gun Show, then takes those unregistered guns to states where they bring top dollar by gang members.
Gun Show loopholes is where all the assault style weapons are getting into the hands of the worst of Americans.
But, we all know that YOU gun freaks would NOT stop these kinds of loopholes, and you would rather see schools getting shot up, workplaces getting shot up, malls getting shot up and recruiting stations getting shot up, if it meant that MORE GUNS would be allowed on the streets so you John Wayne types can have that shootout you are dreaming of.
Sorry charlie, any idiot can buy a gun at a gun show without a background check or even having to produce a drivers license.