Chris Christie Says Capitol Riot 'Driven From the Top'


Again, when someone who is staunch believer is the Big Lie tries and i DO stress TRIES to insult me it carries no weight. Carry On

Gotta give you credit, you keep the Trump paranoia going. Trump is done and gone politically, even though he may not realize it.

MSNBC should hire you to keep the fear going.


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
Another of Trump's Inner Circle ( he was so close to Trump that Trump was the one who gave him COVID) says Trump was responsible for the January 6 Insurrection. It was great seeing him talk with George Stephanopoulos on his show This Week . All of the rats are deserting a sinking ship it would seem
Chris Christie Says Capitol Riot 'Driven From the Top' as Feud With Trump Intensifies
WTF is wrong with you bro? Why do you get such wood posting your leftist cage rattling? Why can't you just face facts. Your party is a complete joke so all you can do is red man bad. Sicko
BTW trump encouraged those at the capital to, "protest passionately and patrioticly."
He never incited violence the same way the left ALWAYS does. The left are violent people.


All Trash No Trailer
WTF is wrong with you bro? Why do you get such wood posting your leftist cage rattling? Why can't you just face facts. Your party is a complete joke so all you can do is red man bad. Sicko
BTW trump encouraged those at the capital to, "protest passionately and patrioticly."
He never incited violence the same way the left ALWAYS does. The left are violent people.
If you dont like what i post out me on 'ignore" <shrug> means nothing to me.
I enjoy seeing the Trumpanzees froth at the mouth when Cult Leader's shortcomings are pointed out


Well-Known Member
So anyhooz, it's more than a little amusing to see so many who were in Drumpf's inner circle abandoning ship. They know a loser when they see one
And this evening as more text messages come to light it would appear that the origins of the insurrection are being walked right up to the White House door. Will Trump be able to hold his base together or will a new and younger GOP figure emerge who has much broader base and connection? All we can do is to watch and see how events unfold.


Inordinately Right
And this evening as more text messages come to light it would appear that the origins of the insurrection are being walked right up to the White House door. Will Trump be able to hold his base together or will a new and younger GOP figure emerge who has much broader base and connection? All we can do is to watch and see how events unfold.
Cool conspiracy theory leftie.


Strength through joy
If you dont like what i post out me on 'ignore" <shrug> means nothing to me.
I enjoy seeing the Trumpanzees froth at the mouth when Cult Leader's shortcomings are pointed out
So how do you feel when Joe Biden tries to give a prepared speech and ends up with incoherent mumbles ?


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
If you dont like what i post out me on 'ignore" <shrug> means nothing to me.
I enjoy seeing the Trumpanzees froth at the mouth when Cult Leader's shortcomings are pointed out
You type like Biden talks :
what i post out me on 'ignore"
Anyway, it's not about whether or not I like your posts. It's about the fact that you post with the sole purpose of rattling the cage. Like a child would do when they know they've been shown to be wrong.
How is it the left will complain if the right brings up HRC but the right has nothing more substantive than talk about the WH protest? Why does the left never talk about the hundreds of violent protests that THEY conduct all over the country?
Liberalism is a mental illness.


Well-Known Member
“Please, get him on TV. Destroying everything you have accomplished," Brian Kilmeade texted Meadows.

“Can he make a statement. Ask people to leave the Capitol," Sean Hannity texted.

“Mark, the president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy," Laura Ingraham texted.


Inordinately Right
“Please, get him on TV. Destroying everything you have accomplished," Brian Kilmeade texted Meadows.

“Can he make a statement. Ask people to leave the Capitol," Sean Hannity texted.

“Mark, the president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy," Laura Ingraham texted.
He did that.
Social media censored it.
How can you possibly be so uninformed?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
"Fox News hosts and executives hold their audience in complete contempt. They despise them. The disrespect shown to the audience is unprecedented in broadcast history. The lying is ceaseless and every word is delivered with blind faith that the audience is stupid and oblivious."

Steve Schmidt